Chris McHugh

Global Technical Authority, Geophysics, Sulmara Subsea
Chris McHugh

Chris McHugh

Global Technical Authority, Geophysics, Sulmara Subsea


Workshops: Navigating Buried Geohazards for Cable Installation and Mitigation Opportunities

Chris McHugh has over ten years of experience in marine science, applied marine geophysics, and hydrographic science. Seven of those years were in the commercial surveying industry working on some of the first high-resolution geophysical offshore wind farm projects in the U.S. including early autonomous surface vehicle development. Chris holds a Category A certification from the International Hydrographic Organization and is a NSPS/ACSM Certified Hydrographer. Chris sits on the Board of Trustee’s for The Hydrographic Society of America and is part of the Offshore Site Investigation and Geotechnical committee in the Society for Underwater Technology and chairs the Marine Renewable Energy Committee.